<![CDATA[Walnut Tree Baking Co. - Eat]]>Sat, 29 Mar 2025 05:05:53 -0500Weebly<![CDATA[Tacos, Again?]]>Fri, 30 Aug 2013 00:00:08 GMThttps://walnuttreebakingco.com/-eat/tacos-againI have often said that I could eat just about anything that was rolled up in a tortilla....no, I will not test your theory, so please  don't send me  your suggestions.  So, earlier this summer as I was flipping through my latest issue of Bon Appetit Magazine I came across a reader's request to help find the recipe for Fried Avocado Tacos from a place called Torchy's in Austin, Texas.  Thinking they sounded pretty darn good, I immediately texted my friend, Tara who lives in Austin, and who is usually "in the know" about all things delicious in the Austin area....she told me how amazing they were and a day or two after texted me a picture of said tacos just before she was ready to have them for lunch.  Since I am hours away from Austin, I decided to try the recipe.....and my love affair with the tortilla remains.  I'll post the recipe on the recipe page.  It's a great meal for a late summer supper on the patio.  I even made them a second night by just pressing the panko into the avocado and skipping the whole breading process....still good, not quite as good, but I cleaned my plate.  Try them...tonight....or if you already ate, then tomorrow night....or sometime this weekend.  Do Not go back to work next week without trying these tacos.]]><![CDATA[Taco Deli]]>Sun, 03 Mar 2013 15:01:39 GMThttps://walnuttreebakingco.com/-eat/taco-deli
Last November I went to work in Austin with Tara and Tina.  One day for lunch Tara took us to a place called Taco Deli, where the selection of tacos was unmatched to any I had ever witnessed before.  One of the tacos I had was called the Papadulce..."oven roasted sweet potatoes, grilled corn, roasted peppers, caramelized onions, toasted pepitas and a chipotle camote sauce".  Since the Taco Deli is hundreds of miles away, it's not somewhere I can just stop by and I considered asking Tara to FedEx me some, but I don't think they would make the trip.  Saturday I decided to create my own.  I skipped the corn, added cilantro and cojita cheese and about 30 minutes later I was enjoying my very own version of the Papadulce.  It's one of those things that I just threw in some of this and that, so I'll try my best to put together some sort of recipe.  It's a delicious alternative when you might want to go meatless.  Click here for the "recipe".
<![CDATA[The Harvest Cafe]]>Sun, 03 Feb 2013 19:54:46 GMThttps://walnuttreebakingco.com/-eat/the-harvest-cafeLast Friday night, Shawn and I had dinner at The Harvest Cafe in Delavan.  It was my second trip there, and even though I had been there before, it didn't keep me from getting lost!!!(yes, I had mapquested the directions and they were in my phone...the phone is a liar...)  We still got there and had a really great dinner.  I had one of the best seasoned steaks I think I have every had.  Cooked perfectly.  It was accompanied by a "tater tot" of sorts.  They had turned their loaded potato pancake into a fried tater tot and served it all with some horseradish creme fraiche.  Delicious.  Shawn had wild boar along with a beet quinoa salad.  He like his too.  I only really have 2 complaints about the place.  First, the live music is nice, but can get a little loud at times.  It's hard to have a quiet conversation.  The other complaint.  We sat at a table along the  wall and everytime the door opened the cold winter air made for a chilly dining experience.  All in all, I'm looking forward to going back during the summer months, when local produce is in season and the winter chill is gone.  Oh, the desserts were spectacular.  If you haven't gone, it's worth the trip.  If you want to go soon, request a booth toward the back of the restaurant.  If you don't want to make the drive yourself, the restaurant offers a van pickup at Junction City on the first Thursday of the month...call for reservations.]]><![CDATA[Brown Butter]]>Thu, 25 Oct 2012 00:14:41 GMThttps://walnuttreebakingco.com/-eat/brown-butter
I've got 2 words for you...brown butter.  I've been on a kick of browning the butter in things I've been making to see how much the flavor is changed....improved I should say.  It started when I was developing a recipe for the "Home is Here" magazine story I did for the holidays (available in the next few weeks).  Brown Butter Rosemary Mashed Potatoes....I don't really need to say anything else.  AMAZING!  I could have sat down with a fork and eaten the whole bowl.  Over the weekend I made Butternut Squash Lasagna Rolls, and for a sauce I decided on a Bechamel type sauce.  I browned the butter for it and it was, again...AMAZING.  So sometime back I had heard of Rice Krispie treats made with brown butter, and tonight I whipped up a batch to see if those too would be AMAZING.  I did the basic recipe for Rice Krispie Treats, but I cooked the butter until it was nutty brown and smelled so delicious, I wanted to eat it right out of the pan.  I added the marshmallows, let them melt and then the cereal.  After I pressed them into the pan, wait for it...........I sprinkled sea salt over the top!!!  I  know!  Crazy!!!!!!  The best part of it is that it takes just over 5 minutes to make a panful of nutty, sweet, salty goodness.

I'll get the recipe out for the Butternut Squash Lasagna Rolls on the recipe page...it's a great, fall comfort food kind of dish, perfect for the weekend. 

In case you need to know, the way to brown butter...here's some help.
1.  Over medium heat, melt the butter in a saucepan, swirling the pan occasionally.
2.  Stir often, and watch as the butter solids turn brown and the butter smells toasty, maybe 3-5 more minutes.
3.  Watch carefully, because the butter can go from good to burnt in an instant. 
<![CDATA[Cape Cod]]>Wed, 26 Sep 2012 00:38:39 GMThttps://walnuttreebakingco.com/-eat/cape-cod
I just returned last Thursday from a few days on Cape Cod.  It was my first visit, and it came just after the busy season, so it was really an incredibly wonderful, relaxing trip.  Shawn and I flew to Boston, then took the ferry across to Provincetown, where we met up with our friend, Bill.  The weather couldn't have been better and the food just as great!
We tried to hit the "must eat" restaurants.  The Mews, which turned out to be my favorite meal of the trip, was amazing.
Starting with a Blue Marlin carpaccio, with seaweed salad and moving onto a 4 peppercorn crusted tuna with horseradish mashed potatoes, I was in seafood heaven.  The dirty martini was delicious as well, but honestly, I've never met a dirty martini I didn't like (except for the ones that I make for myself...)  The other dinner highlight was a place called Front Street.  I had an amazing Seafood Puttanesca and we shared a bottle of Malbec.  Our breakfasts were equally as delicious, an omelet stuffed with butternut squash, caramelized onions and goat cheese at a little place called Devon's, a breakfast burrito stuffed with spinach, eggs and black beans at Cafe Heaven and Eggs Schlosberg at The Post Office Cafe.  It consisted of wheat toast, topped with corned beef hash, a poached egg and melted cheese. 
We did lots of walking and sight seeing.  We climbed to the top of the Pilgrim Monument, went on a whale watching cruise (we saw about 15 whales and about 30 dolphins).  We visited a local winery and a restored life saving station.  The trip, as most do, ended way to quickly and then back to reality.  We ended up the week attending the Peoria Symphony Orchestra "Broadway Tonight" performance.  It was very good, and a preview of some of the shows coming up in the Broadway Theater League.  I'm excited to see some of the performances.  As for now, Dan is coming for his first visit to Peoria, so we'll be hitting all the best places for dinner around here...I'll report on those later.  Have a great week.
<![CDATA[Old is New Again....]]>Thu, 30 Aug 2012 00:29:15 GMThttps://walnuttreebakingco.com/-eat/old-is-new-againSo I had changed things up a bit over the past few months and had been trying my best to combine all my thoughts on food and life into one blog, but just like a bad break up, it just wasn't working out for me....it's not you, really it's me.
So I decided to go back to the tried and true way of doing it....the blog that is.  I can rattle on for hours about something I made or something I ate, something I want to eat, new restaurants, old favorites and anything food related, but when it comes to just blogging about my day, let's face it, I was boring myself.  So Gregory Eats is back in business and Gregory Talks is also available as a link on the home page. 

When it comes to Gregory Talks, it really is about stories, rants and raves and observances of daily life.  What I have found is that I don't update it as often because I have to edit myself and after editing and editing in my mind, I end up following the every mother's advice...if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.  But sometimes, it just can't be helped...I have an opinion, you can read it if you want, you don't have to agree, it really is for the entertainment value found in the world around us....you don't have to watch reality tv to see them (although I do) , you just have to look around ....it's all around.

So, let's talk about eating...that's what its all about here.

Shawn was over for dinner on Monday night, and I made one of my favorite Weight Watcher meals.  Stir Fried Beef with Fresh Ginger...I absolutely love it!  It is so tasty, and so easy to make..if you can use a knife and open a couple packages...dinner is served in about 15 minutes flat.  The weather was perfect for sitting outside on the patio and enjoying a glass of Pinot Grigio (Not Ramona Pinot Grigio for all my RHONY fans out there)....

I've been working on some new recipes for a holiday entertaining story I'm doing for Home is Here magazine, so I've been making some trial runs at it and sending it out for feedback...it's been pretty positive so far, and it's a good thing...the photo shoot is a week from tomorrow.  Good thing I've got the Labor Day weekend to get it all perfected....oh and along with it...I have to decorate for Christmas......maybe the Christmas decorating will help me forget it's 90 degrees outside.  ]]>
<![CDATA[New York, Christmas , etc.]]>Mon, 26 Dec 2011 18:40:59 GMThttps://walnuttreebakingco.com/-eat/new-york-christmas-etcSo in a quick follow up to my last post, we went to Momofuku in NYC, got the cookies ( along with birthday cake truffles, apple pie cake truffles, and candy bar pie).  Here is the breakdown.  I have made the cookies 2 times ( once in Denver, once at sea level) and bought the cookies from the bakery.  The cookies from the bakery had the best look, the cookies from Denver had the best taste and the ones I made at sea level were just okay, (that's not to say that I would throw them out....I still ate them).  Other NYC eats...of course, Balthazar.  Steak Tartare, Steak Au poivre, Fig Financier for dessert.  As always delicious.  We ate at a few new places this year, or should I say we were forced to eat a few new places because some of our favorites were just tooooooo busy.  John's Pizza, which was okay.  A couple Italian restaurants, one in Little Italy, one not far from our hotel in Manhatten.  I got home to Denver, in time to repack a bag and head home to Canton for Christmas.  Sometime I am amazed at the extremes of my life...one week having dinner at Balthazar in NYC, a few days later having a pony at Brown's in Canton.  We had a great Christmas dinner at my sister's. I made a Nutella Cheesecake for dessert.  It turned out so good.  It's been a great holiday season for me.  Looking forward to the New Year and all the exciting adventures ahead.  Happy New Year! ]]><![CDATA[Momofuku Cookies....yummmmmmmmmm]]>Sun, 11 Dec 2011 21:46:55 GMThttps://walnuttreebakingco.com/-eat/momofuku-cookiesyummmmmmmmmm A couple cookbook showed up in the mailbox this week.  I've been waiting for their arrival, and I dove right into them.  "Milk" from the Momofuku Milk Bar has some amazing recipes at first glance, but after reading through them the flavors and ideas behind them made them even more amazing.  I worked a Thai Cooking class on Friday night, then headed straight home to make the Cornflake Crunch for the Cornflake-chocolate chip-marshmallow cookies.  After letting it cool I mixed up the batter and portioned out the dough, stuck them in the fridge and got up early Saturday morning to bake them off.  The result...a lacey, crispy cookie with a great buttery flavor, with bits of chocolate and marshmallow.  Knowing that  I could in fact eat the entire batch of cookies we took them to our neighbors "Ugly Christmas Sweater Party".  That was the first of two events last night, and so today I'm relaxing and recovering from a lot of food and drink overload.  I'm off to South Dakota Monday, back to Denver on Tuesday, then off to New York on Thursday where I will be visiting Momofuku to try their cookie to the one that I made.  Can't wait.   ]]><![CDATA[Thanksgiving has come and gone already????....]]>Fri, 02 Dec 2011 02:46:15 GMThttps://walnuttreebakingco.com/-eat/thanksgiving-has-come-and-gone-alreadyI made it to Peoria about 10pm last Wednesday night (before Thanksgiving).  I had worked the first part of the week in Nebraska, then caught a flight to O'hare and on to Peoria.  Thanksgiving dinner was DELICIOUS!  I don't know that there was anything different from other years, but I will something about it just tasted better than normal.  (Maybe its because I've been eating so healthy lately that my taste buds were just waiting for those carbs to hit!!!!)  I managed through the holiday eating only 1 very small slice of pumpkin pie, (much to my mother's dismay...she had made pumpkin and chocolate pies).  I spent this week working in Normal and Peoria and as I sit here typing, I can't believe it is December 1.  I know that the older I get, the faster the time goes, but I swear to you, it REALLY WAS just yesterday that Dan picked me up at the airport on New Year's Day and we went and enjoyed brunch at Steuben's....I SWEAR, IT WAS.....YESTERDAY....REALLY.  Lot's to look forward to for the rest of the month...or should I say year.....2 weeks from today we're heading to New York City for the annual eat and walk-a-thon.  The list is made of places to try this year, along with the usuals...dinner at Balthazar, I'm sure some cupcakes from Crumb's, dirty martinis and filet on toast at Bobby Van's.....Burger at the Shake Shack and pizza.....(the pizza is yet to be determined)  Lombardi's, Grimaldi's (been to both....like Lombardi's better) or another place I've heard a lot about Di Fara's.  Just found out today that we did get tickets to be in the audience of the Martha Stewart Show....I'll let you all know when that airs, so you can tune in to try to see me in the audience...We're going to the taping on Monday the 19th.  Then on the 21st, it's back to Canton to spend the holidays at home.  I'm not working so I plan on doing a lot of baking...... ]]><![CDATA[Got cookies?]]>Wed, 16 Nov 2011 00:12:12 GMThttps://walnuttreebakingco.com/-eat/got-cookies
I have my favorites and I'm sure you have yours!  I want you to share your absolute, drop dead, must have cookie recipe for the upcoming Christmas season.  Email your recipes to greg@gregutsinger.com, include your name and a picture (of you and the cookies, if you can)...we'll be featuring some of the best next month. 