So, school has begun, work is busy and there is NO rest for the wicked....Last weekend in class we made every possible shape of pastry from two kinds of puff pastry dough, 16 different kinds of ice cream, sorbets and granitas, creme brulee, creme caramel, quiche, scones, quickbreads, muffins and biscuits. Leaving class late, Dan and I sped down I25, to get to the symphony by 7:30, where we enjoyed some Vivaldi and Bach. Then off to a late dinner at The Avenue Grill, 3 dirty martinis later, it's 1am before I finally make it to bed. Ahhhhh Sunday, my day of rest....wrong. Off to Charlotte, North Carolina for the week. Trying to keep up with school and working long hours everyday was getting the best of me. This week class is all about bread, so there is A LOT of information to go over, my eyes did not cooperate with the reading. Anyway, early Thursday morning I headed back to Denver, did some reviewing for a quiz and back to school to start the cycle again. At least there is no symphony this week and it's Dan's turn...he's leaving Sunday for New York. No one said this would be easy, but I know in 3 months, I will be glad I did it. Have a great weekend, I'll let you know everything there is to know about bread baking!
Another year has begun and along with it some exciting new challenges. I spent the holidays in Canton, and after 2 cancelled flights, finally made it back to Denver on New Year's Day. Dan picked me up at the airport and we stopped off at Steuben's for a late breakfast with all those people who had been up all night ringing in the new year. My stay in Denver didn't last long, as on Tuesday I headed to Albuquerque. Back to Denver on Wednesday night and then .....ta da......Pastry School began on Thursday! The first week down, I have to tell you that I LOVE IT! It's so great to be back in a commercial kitchen again and making such delicious looking things. I love that I am learning all the science behind why things work and why they don't. I think it will be a bit of a challenge because generally, my brain is more concerned with the creative aspect of anything I do, not necessarily the mechanics of it. But I love to learn new things all the time, so I look forward to the challenge. I get to spend some time in Colorado this week, no airport, but I did have to battle the snowy roads this morning to get to work. It's always something. Happy New Year.
August 2013